I'm writing this post because I want to inform y'all about my plans here, but mostly, I'm using this to keep myself accountable.
So, many of you might know that I A) have released a lot of games, and B) most of them aren't on here. So, why is that?
Well, there are a few reasons. I divide my releases into "mainline games" and "small releases", with the latter being small experiments, game jams, very old projects, etc. Given that Newgrounds has a rating system that can yeet your game off the site if enough people think it stinks, I don't think my "small releases" are fit for this site. Even though I think at least a few could pass judgement, I personally view the system as encouraging users to upload their completed, high quality releases. No judgement if you think otherwise. Well, I guess there is the aforementioned judgement that has the ability to yeet your games off the site, but... you know what I mean.
So, why aren't all my "mainline games" here? The short answer: I'm lazy. Okay, it's more like "making and releasing games is a lot of effort," and I never made time to re-release my old games on here. The main time sink is just testing the game to make sure it works properly, which I suppose I could spend less time on, but I'd rather make sure everything works. Also, Newgrounds has a medals system which I integrate into releases here, which takes some effort as well.
That said, it's embarrassing just how little effort I've put into releasing my work on here, so: I'm going to release more. I'm going to aim to release one game a month here until I've caught up with my back catalog, at which point new "mainline games" that I release on itch.io will also release here.
So... look forward to N Step Steve part 2 this month (March), followed by Bee Magic (April), then Sea Magic (May.) I might delay Tauriel Teaches Typing by a month or two because I might want to make a "remastered" version of the game with some improvements, but we'll see...